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What is Iqamah?
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Iqamah is an important aspect of Islamic prayer, also known as Salah. It is a call to prayer that signals the start of the actual Salah, which is performed by Muslims five times a day. In this article, we will explore the significance of Iqamah, its importance in Salah, and the proper way to perform it.
What is Iqamah?
Iqamah is an Arabic word that means "standing up." It is a call to prayer that is made just before the actual Salah begins. Iqamah is performed to let the worshipers know that the prayer is about to begin and to gather them in an orderly manner. It is a proclamation of the presence of Allah and the sanctity of the prayer.
Importance of Iqamah in Salah
Iqamah is an integral part of Salah and serves many purposes. It helps to create a sense of unity among the worshipers, who stand shoulder to shoulder in rows behind the Imam. It also serves to prepare the worshipers mentally and spiritually for the prayer, helping them to focus on their intention and their relationship with Allah. Additionally, Iqamah reminds the worshipers of the importance of time, as Salah is performed at specific times throughout the day.
How to perform Iqamah
Iqamah is performed in a similar way to Adhan, which is the call to prayer that is made before Iqamah. It involves reciting specific phrases in a specific order. The phrases are as follows:
Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) x2
Ashhadu anna la ilaha illa Allah (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah) x2
Ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah (I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah) x2
Hayya 'ala al-salah (Come to prayer) x2
Hayya 'ala al-falah (Come to success) x2
Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) x2
La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah) x1
It is important to perform Iqamah in a clear and audible voice so that all the worshipers can hear it. Iqamah is usually performed by the Imam or another designated person who has a good voice and is knowledgeable about the proper recitation.
In conclusion, Iqamah is an important aspect of Islamic prayer that serves many purposes. It helps to create a sense of unity among the worshipers, prepares them mentally and spiritually for the prayer, and reminds them of the importance of time. It is important to perform Iqamah in a clear and audible voice so that all the worshipers can hear it. By following the proper procedure for Iqamah, Muslims can fulfil this important aspect of Salah and deepen their relationship with Allah.